Reuse, develop and share biological visualisation with BioJS


Create a BioJS component that displays a barchart that visualizes de contribution of the bases of a biological sequence.


What does it takes to be a BioJS component?

Not much!

There are only 3 requirements to be in the BioJS registry:

  1. The component has to be published in npm.
  2. The code component has to be in github.
  3. The keyword biojs needs to be included in the package.json

And a few conventions:

  • Names: biojs-[io/rest/vis/algo/…]-[name]
  • Versioning: Semver
  • Documentation: Use Readme.MD in your github repo

But there are many common parts among BioJS components:

  • Packaging
  • Styling
  • Demostrating
  • Testing
  • Linting



  • Help you generate new project structures
  • You don’t need to use it, but it simplifies the work
  • In order to install slush globally:
    $ npm install -g slush
    $ slush -v
    [slush] 1.1.1
  • And to install the BioJS slush:
    $ npm install -g slush-biojs

Create your example project.

$ mkdir biojs-vis-example
$ cd biojs-vis-example
$ slush biojs
[slush] Using slushfile /usr/local/lib/node_modules/slush-biojs/slushfile.js
[16:53:59] Starting 'biojs:default'...
? Module name? (required) biojs-vis-example
? Description? Creating a basic example for biojs
? Module version? 0.1.0
? Author name? gsalazar
? Author email?
? Github username? 4ndr01d3
? Keywords for npm (separate with comma) biojs,barchart,d3
? A visualization lib? Yes
? Unit tests: No
? Add a example css file? No
? Configure a build system? (Gulp) No
? Linting (Check code style with JSHint) No
? Choose your license type: Apache-2.0
? Is this correct? Yes

What did we get?

Available npm commands:

$ npm run build
$ npm run sniper
$ npm run test
$ npm run watch
$ npm run w
running: http://localhost:9090

Playing with the example

Keep npm run w running.

Open the example file biojs-vis-example/examples/simple.js in your favourite editor:

// if you don't specify a html file, the sniper will generate a div with id "rootDiv"
var app = require("biojs-vis-example");
var instance = new app({el: rootDiv, text: 'biojs'});

Then try changing the text option and refreshing your browser.

The npm run w action, detects changes in your files, re-bundles the biojs-vis-example/build/example.js file, and exposes the result on http://localhost:9090/examples/simple

Task: Add an style file.

Create a CSS file in this path: biojs-vis-example/css/main.css

.header {
	font-weight: bold;
	color: green;

Add the following line at the end of the biojsvisexample() function, in the JavaScript file: biojs-vis-example/lib/index.js

this.el.setAttribute("class", "header");

Include the style file in the npm file: biojs-vis-example/package.json

sniper": {
  "js": [ "/build/example.js"],
  "css": [ "/css/main.css"],
  "snippets": ["examples"],
  "first": "simple"

This requires to restart npm run w for the sniper to consider the new file

Modules and Dependencies

Modules in Node.js

Files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence.

Export 1 object per file, assigning it to module.exports. For example the file biojs-vis-example/lib/example.js:

module.exports = " - from another module";

And to import it in another file you can use the function require(). For example in the file biojs-vis-example/lib/index.js:

var example = require("./example.js");
console.log(example); // - from another module

Next Task

Remove the functionality of displaying "Hello BioJS" and make it show "BARCHART", but the code should be in a separate module.


var Barchart = function(opts) {
	var container = opts.el;
	container.textContent = "BARCHART";
	container.setAttribute("class", "header");
module.exports = Barchart;


var  biojsvisexample;
var Barchart = require("./barchart.js");
module.exports = biojsvisexample = function(opts){
	var bc = new Barchart(opts);

Dependencies in Node.js

Using npm is possible to install any module that is in the repository. For example:

$ npm i d3 --save

And then you can use it as a module in your files with:

var d3 = require('d3');

Next Task

Refactor your code to use D3 to manipulate your DOM.


var d3 = require("d3");

var Barchart = function(opts) {
  var container = opts.el;
    .attr("class", "header")
    .text("Space for a barchart with D3!");

module.exports = Barchart;

Data Processing

Next Task

Given a sequence in your options, count how many times each base appears in it, and then display this values in the page.


var app = require("biojs-vis-example");
var instance = new app({el: rootDiv, sequence: "CAGTGCATGatACGTCAGTGCATGCTGGGGGGGGGgcatgcatgcatg"});


var getBases = function(sequence) {
  var s = sequence.toUpperCase();
  var bases = {};
  for (var i =0;i<s.length;i++){
    if (typeof bases[s[i]] == "undefined")
      bases[s[i]] = 1;
  return bases;
} // Object {C: 9, A: 9, G: 20, T: 10}
var Barchart = function(opts) {
  var container = opts.el;
  var bases = getBases(opts.sequence);
    .attr("class", "header")
      .text(function(d){ return d +": "+bases[d]; });

Interested in d3?? Read about Thinking with Joins


Next Task

Change the text representation for a barchart.


var Barchart = function(opts) {
  var container = opts.el,
    bases = getBases(opts.sequence),
    keys = d3.keys(bases),
    values ={return bases[e];});
  var x = d3.scale.linear()
    .domain([0, d3.max(values)])
    .range([0, 420]);
    .attr("class", "chart")
      .style("width", function(d) { return x(bases[d]) + "px"; })
      .text(function(d) { return bases[d]+":"+d; });



.chart div {
  font: 10px sans-serif;
  background-color: steelblue;
  text-align: right;
  padding: 3px;
  margin: 1px;
  color: white;

.chart div:hover {
  background-color: cadetblue;
  font-size: 12px;



  • Have you put your component in GitHub?
    GitHub Help
  • Have you signed up in npm?
    npm signup
  • Have you added your npm user in this terminal?
    $ npm adduser
  • Does your package.json file includes the biojs tag and points to the right github repo?
    Other Checking.

Then simply:

$ npm publish


Here is the code in this page:

<div id='snippetDiv'></div>
var rootDiv = document.getElementById('snippetDiv');
// if you don't specify a html file, the sniper will generate a div with id "rootDiv"
var app = require("biojs-vis-example");
var instance = new app({el: rootDiv, sequence: "CAGTGCATGatACGTCAGTGCATGCTGGGGGGGGGgcatgcatgcatgCC"});

And here how it looks:

Back to program

@ VIZBI 2016